The PEC Project
Our first project is the project management of a major 10 partner Pre Employability in Clackmannanshire (PEC) project.
The project is supported by Community Renewal Funding and provides a range of supports to over 366 residents to progress towards employment. The programme supports those who are unemployed and are economically inactive.
PEC will operate from Nov 21 to end Dec 22. An interim review has been complete for the period to end March 22 and a second interim review for the period to end June 22, both of which are available below along with the Qualitative Evaluation of the project and also available in the resources pages.
Our Partners
Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface (CTSI) who are the lead applicant and provide overall financial management and accounting
CERT is responsible for overall project management, establishing a database of supports, which can be accessed from this web site [internal link] and a series of courses and workshops for those who are working with clients. They are also responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the programme.
Dial a Journey who has run a pilot bus between the Forth Valley College campuses. Running from Jan to June 22, the buses ran along the hillfoots villages to Alloa and then onwards to Falkirk Campus and a second bus to Stirling Campus.
All Cleaned Up who have provided work placements for participants
The Japanese Garden/Cowden Garden who have provided work placements for participants
Forth Valley College who have provided a range of courses for participants including first aid, IT, personal development, health and safety, customer care.
Apex Scotland who have been responsible for key workers to support the work of PEC and the delivery of courses for participants including Construction Card, PAT testing, Health and Safety.
Resilience Learning Partnership who have provided places on their TIER training programme and delivered a dedicated TIER Lite programme for PEC participants
Ceteris who have delivered an enterprise programme for those who have an interest in setting up a business
Addiction Support Counselling/Recovery Scotland who have provided support to those with addiction problems and adult literacy
In addition organisations have been engaged to provide specialist supports:
- Scottish Autism
- Clackmannanshire Citizens Advice Bureau
- Sibbald Training
- HSC Futures
- The Conservation Volunteers
The programme has been delivered in part through local communities, working with Hawkhill Community Centre, Sauchie Active8, Tullibody Development Trust, Alva Development Trust and Home Start Clackmannanshire.
PEC operates with a clear data privacy policy.