E-mopeds, e-bikes and flexible buses

We know from many who are currently unemployed that transport is a major barrier to securing and sustaining good employment.  With small numbers of jobs in Clacks, often we need to travel outside to get a job.  However public transport is poor.

We are hoping to develop some new projects which will help overcome these barriers and are keen to get your views on these.  After a major exercise which has led to a Strategic Business Case, we are proposing two projects to support those who need to transport to get to work while at the same time being viable and sustainable:

  • An emoped hire scheme where you can hire a moped for a few weeks or months to take you to interviews and get to your job, typically outwith Clacks
  • A major increase in the number of ebikes and docking stations throughout Clacks – increasing from 3 to 20 or more which will provide ebikes close to where you live and where you would be working

This feasibility project was supported by Paths for All’s Smarter Choices Smarter Places fund.

We are now at the stage of having worked up projects with a strategic case for funding which is required for central government funding.

Executive Summary

Full Report

We are waiting for funding to be available that would help set these projects up.

Watch this space for more information.


