Our Vision
Clackmannanshire is a vibrant place to live where people are happy, healthy and where opportunities, connections and support are available for all.
Our Mission:
Working alongside the community and in partnership with others, we will influence positive change and create opportunities for the people of Clackmannanshire which will enable them, their communities and the economy of Clacks to thrive.
Our strategic priorities
- Improve employability outcomes of individuals
We will work with individuals to identify and achieve their personal goals, creating opportunities that improve their health, wellbeing, and employability prospects.
- Identify and tackle barriers to employment
We will influence positive change in areas and systems that are preventing people from accessing sustainable employment.
- Explore other opportunities
We will be responsive to opportunities where we can make a substantial contribution to help the people, communities and economy of Clackmannanshire to thrive
- Be an organisation with strong governance, oversight and ethics
We will be a robustly governed, financially competent, well managed organisation with strong strategic vision and oversight and driven by ethical practices
- Be a well managed organisation with staff at the core
Recognising the central importance of our staff to all our activities, we will be a well managed organisation where staff are motivated, have strong wellbeing and are supported to perform to their maximum ability
Our Approach
Across all of our work, we will:
- Base our work on evidence of need and opportunity, understanding and views of our clients
- Ensure all our work directly contributes to our vision, mission and priorities
- Work in collaboration with other organisations where relevant and possible
- Deliver directly only when others aren’t better placed or better able to do so
- Seek to fill gaps and weaknesses and extend provision of supports
- Support partners and other organisations wherever possible and appropriate
- Ensure that our work is of the highest quality, effective and efficient
- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our work and use lessons learned to ensure continuous improvement
Our activity is to support the residents of Clacks, however at times it is recognised that for operational reasons it is of value to collaborate and to include those from other areas. An example will be neighbouring deprived areas such as Kincardine.
Our Performance
We are continually looking at ways that we can review and measure our performance at achieving our goals. In the main these are driven by the needs of funders and what they require to have measured and how. To provide an overall view of our activities and performance, we have prepared what we hope will be an annual report on our activities and performance. Click here to review this.