Jargon Buster

CERT – Clackmannanshire Economic Regeneration Trust SCIO

CTSI  – Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface

ClacksWorks –  The part of Clackmannanshire Council which delivers employability support for residents of Clacks

ESF – European Social Fund

PEC –  Pre Employability in Clackmannanshire, a programme to support the unemployed and economically inactive to move towards employment

CRF – Community Renewal Fund.  UK government funding which has been used in Clacks to fund PEC.  This is a pilot to the Shared Prosperity Fund

SPF –  Shared Prosperity Fund.  Part of the UK Levelling Up funding

SDS – Skills Development Scotland.  A national body which provides careers advice and a range of skills supports for young people and some all age

LEP – Local Employability Partnership. 

FVC – Forth Valley College

CPN – Clackmannanshire Provider Network
