The Board of Trustees

Jean Hamilton


Jean is an economist who was brought up in Alloa. She is a management consultant specialising in local economic development and regeneration and over 30 years experience she has worked in a breadth of areas and has particular expertise in skills and employability, evaluation, appraisal and monitoring, feasibilities and business plans in tourism, business development, community development, innovation, enterprise, housing and agriculture.  She was a Director and Chair of Ceteris for 7 years.

Linda Ellison


Linda is an experienced accountant who worked with Scottish Enterprise for 30 years, holding the role of Finance Director and member of the senior executive teams in the Renfrewshire, Lanarkshire and Forth Valley local enterprise companies.  She was part of the Task Team that established Skills Development Scotland and was appointed Director of Corporate Services with the new Skills Agency.   She also held the post of Director of Finance and Corporate Services with Historic Scotland, and most recently was a member of the senior executive team of the Scottish Qualifications Authority holding the post of Director of Finance and Audit.

Professor Richard Simpson OBE, FRCGP, FRCPsych, DPM, DipSHEB


Richard is currently Honorary Professor Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport University of Stirling.  Attached to the Nursing Midwifery and Allied Professionals Research Unit.  He is also an Honorary visiting Professor School of Medicine University of St Andrews.  He was previously a Member of the Scottish Parliament (1999-2003 Ochil and 2007-2016), Deputy Minister of Justice 2001-2, shadow public health Minister 2007-2016. He is a retired GP and Consultant psychiatrist.

Stephanie Low


Stephanie has been active in the voluntary and charitable sector in Clackmannanshire for around five years and is passionate about improving the lives of everyone in Clackmannanshire. She has been resident in Clackmannanshire her whole life, and currently works in the corporate and private sector where she has spent most of her career. Her expertise ranges from safeguarding and project management to working with some of Clackmannanshire’s most vulnerable young people and recently attended the Queen’s Garden Party in recognition of this.

Craig Miller


Craig has been active in the voluntary and charitable sector in Clackmannanshire for more than a decade and has successfully secured in the region of £1million pounds in funding for local organisations. He currently sits as the Vice-Chair of Clackmannanshire Tenants and Residents Federation, co-community Manager at Sauchie Community Group and is a Trustee for the BreathEasy Clackmannanshire group. He is a trained Actor, and has previously worked with Scottish Opera, but has spent most of his career employed in politics in a range of roles, with a particular focus and interest in public health. He is currently employed as a Training Officer with a trade union and also runs Sauchie Community Group Choir and is a founding member of the ‘Thank you for the Music’ dementia singing group that visits local care homes.

Forbes Maginnis

Forbes was born, educated and lives in Clackmannanshire. He is Depute Headteacher of Levenmouth Academy. He is currently the sole UK State School representative and Vice-Chair of the UCAS Policy Group Forum and strategic lead of the Local Improvement Forum for around 20 schools across 4 clusters in Glenrothes and Levenmouth area.  Forbes has always been involved in the local community running Clackmannanshire’s Boys’ Brigade.  He has also been Clackmannanshire’s Youth Rep and Communications Lead and recently joining the Sauchie Community Group as Volunteer Driver and Choir Member.  Forbes is passionate about improving life chances for young people through education, both in his work and also in the community in which he is proud to live.

Fiona McMillan


Fiona was raised in Clackmannanshire and continues to live in Forth Valley. She works as a Careers Consultant at the University of Stirling, and has a background in business engagement, apprenticeships and community building. Fiona has a particular interest in issues of place, regeneration and community wealth building, and is an avid fan of our local history. She is a member of the Institute of Place Management and the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services.

Amanda J Wright


After graduating from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Leuven (Belgium) Amanda began her career in the financial market. She then transferred across to the charity third sector. Since 2011 Amanda has worked across the United Kingdom in the Construction Industry. She is an experienced social sustainability and stakeholder engagement strategist who creates and embeds social and economic sustainability strategies into large infrastructure projects. She delivers operational support and performance management for small and large construction companies. She has vast experience of working in partnership with both national and local public procurement authorities.  Amanda’s primary focus is to maximize opportunities for local people and local companies to empower and enhance local communities.

James Savage


James is a retired solicitor. He graduated from the Gregorian University Rome and Aberdeen University with degrees in philosophy and law. He worked as a solicitor for over 40 years initially in Aberdeen before moving to Clackmannanshire in 1985. He worked in general practice specialising in criminal and civil work particularly around children and families. Latterly he has worked as a Safeguarder for the children’s hearing. He is a board member with Ochil View Housing Association. He was also for many years a board member and trustee with the Alman Theatre and worked to achieve Heritage lottery funding to renovate the theatre In Alloa.
