Who We Are

We are a charitable organisation established to support the economic and social wellbeing of those who live and work in Clackmannanshire.  CERT was formed in July 2020 with a board of trustees who are committed to supporting the Wee County’s development.  We have a small team of staff who are establishing and delivering a range of projects to help Clacks.

What We Do

CERT is a new organisation and is delivering its first projects.  Our role is to identify challenges and opportunities and to work with partners to ensure these are addressed and exploited.

Our charitable objects are:

  • The prevention or relief of poverty
  • The advancement of citizenship or community development
  • The relief of those in need for reasons of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
  • Any other purpose that may reasonably regarded as analogous to any of the preceding purpose

Contact Us

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Please contact us with any questions or enquiries

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CERT, e-centre, Cooperage Way Business Village, Alloa, FK10 3LP
SCIO Registered charity number: SC050327