Community Level

These all provide a range of supports to their local residents, ranging from offering venues for community activities, operating food banks and delivering outreach activities.  Find out more about these organisations and others by clicking here.

Clackmannanshire Organisations

Clacks Alliance is the community planning partnership for the area and brings together the major agencies

Clackmannanshire Council provides a full range of statutory and discretionary activities including economic development, planning, housing, social work, criminal justice and education.  The Council operates an inhouse team – Clacks Works – to deliver a range of employability programmes;

Ceteris is a third sector organisation which owns and manages a range of commercial and industrial property and delivers the Business Gateway contract to provide advice and support to businesses

Clacks Third Sector Interface (CTSI) provides a full range of supports to the third and social enterprise sector in Clacks.

There are two Business Improvement Districts (BIDS) in Clacks made up of local businesses: Alloa First (Alloa Town Centre) and Clacks First (across industrial estates in Clacks).

Clackmannanshire Networks and Partnerships

Clacks Business Support Forum brings together business organisations and the public sector

Clacks Provider Network brings together those involved in the delivery of employability and wider supports [link to internal page]

Local Employability Partnership (LEP) which is a coordinating body for employability support as well as a mechanism to decide on the allocation of employability funds in Clacks.

Forth Valley or Wider

Developing Young Workforce operates across Forth Valley with specific staff appointed to operate in Clacks schools to support the preparation of young people for the world of work

Forth Valley College operates across Stirling, Falkirk and Clacks with a local campus in Alloa but much provision for Clacks residents delivered in other campuses

Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce made up of businesses

Forth Valley Health and Social Care Partnership which is a joint venture/partnership with the councils and the NHS;

Scottish Wide Organisations

Skills Development Scotland who deliver careers advice and a range of funding for skills programmes with an office in Clacks

Department of Work and Pension which operates the Job Centre plus network and delivers benefits and supports for individuals to secure employment

Scottish Enterprise who provide a range of supports to businesses and physical projects who can best be accessed via Ceteris

Other specialist organisations including SNH, SEPA, Transport Scotland

Support Organisations

There are a range of organisations who have been established to support organisations in the third sector, delivering supports to businesses and individuals.  These include Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisation (SCVO); Development Trust Association; Social Investment Scotland who provide loans and equity for the third sector
